
It's a Battle


Wearing: Zara Blazer, Blouse from Piperlime, American Eagle Jeans, UO Shoes.

I can't believe that a few days ago it was blazer weather and tonight I was bundled up in a winter coat and scarf. You'd think that seasons changing wouldn't surprise me every year but it does. I am always caught off guard by the cold.

The same thing happens when it rains. I always act so shocked and then complain about how the rain ruins my hair but I live in Vancouver. I should have gotten over the whole rain thing by my 2nd birthday.

Anyways, I spent a majority of today on the phone arguing with my cell phone company so I'm out of things to say right now. I just feel like in the cell phone world, nice guys finish last. I could put up a huge fuss about my broken phone and yell and swear and all that jazz but I don't want to. I just want the fact that I've been a loyal customer for 10 years to matter. I want the fact that my phone's software has gone to crap twice in a year to mean that I can get a phone that isn't broken without paying upwards of $300. I want being polite to pay for once... but it won't. It'll be a battle.

I think I am going to cuddle up with a cup of tea and a nice warm blanket and try to forget about my day. Good night my friends.


  1. I miss blazer weather already. I think I only wore my trench coat once or twice! And I've already had to switch to my winter coat.

    I park on the street and those few minutes in the morning are already getting unbearable waiting for the car to heat up and the windows to defog :(

  2. cute tie neck blouse!

    and URGH cell phone companies! Damn canada and its monopolistic ways! I was in the dominican earlier this year and the tour guides had NICER phones for cheaper than what i paid at BETTER rates. so unfair.

  3. You are KILLING it with the outfits/photos lately! Sorry about the cell phone stress. I was super lucky to pay $35 and have mine fixed in an hour (does this sound like I'm bragging? I am so helpful) so I'm sorry to hear being a good, polite customer isn't helping. :/

  4. I am still fighting the cold, not in the "bundle up" way, but by wearing my blazer still. So far I've survived ;-)

    Feeling Bold

  5. I know these shots!
    You look amazing Melissa, I love that blouse (even more so that it is called a pussybow blouse...I mean, who came up with that!??) and I so wish our feet were the same size cause I adore those heels!! And how did I not know you own a Chanel bag!? Ah-ma-zing!!
    You look gorgeous as always my love, have a happy weekend!
    xo Cara

  6. this jacket is absolutely amazing!

  7. This Piperlime blouse is outstanding. I was just daydreaming about adding something like this to my wardrobe yesterday. Then I remember I should probably pay rent first...boo real life. Loving the shoes, too! XO

    real girl, real body fashion:

  8. Lovely! Love your hair too!


  9. i love this outfit - the blouse with the bow suits you so well. As for Vancouver rain and phone companies.... grrr!!!


  10. I lived in Michigan for 22 years and still complained about the snow. I don't blame ya, girlie!

    I know what you mean about the cell phone fiasco, but I think it's like that with everything. You and I both know from working in customer service for so long that if a customer is loud and mean and makes a fuss, we get them what they want so we can get them the hell outta there! At the same time, I'll treat the nice customers better overall, giving them special discounts and such. So, I think that for the MOMENT, mean guys might be winning, but the nice ones catch up later and actually beat them.

    Okay, that was WAY too long of an explanation. Sorry.

  11. Loving this post.

  12. ah yes I know it's crazy how one day is so warm, sunny and beautiful and the next is complete miserable dreariness. That's vancouver.

    Snuggle up and enjoy the tea - a good pair of slippers too will help soothe you.

  13. ugh, cell phone companies are the absolute WORST! AND to top it off, cell phone companies in canada beat the US in the a-hole department. Seriously, this is what happens when there is barely any competition... never mind, I'm going to drop my rant.

    You look lovely. That blazer is to die for and the button detailing on the wrist is the perfect touch. Also, layering it with the blouse is amazing because it adds a feminine touch to a masculine look. LOVE.

  14. Oh, how I wish we had a Zara on the east coast! I love that blouse. It's just like the Rachel Zoe blouse (though much more affordable I'm sure)I was lusting over on my blog earlier this week!

  15. I love this outfit! Your shoes are super cool!

    Lindsey Turner

  16. have I told you that I love the tone of your skin and your blond hair? those things suits you so well no matter the outfit you are wearing!


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