
Darn you suede

Wearing: ShopRuche Blazer, Banana Republic Lace Shell (buy here), Plum Scarf, American Eagle Jeans, UO Booties

If you follow me on twitter you may have read my tweet a few days back about my frustration towards all of the suede in shoe stores. I live in Vancouver, a city so adorably nick named Raincouver. I don't want to buy a pair of suede shoes to then have to purchase 5 different suede protection sprays when I know I will be too scared to wear them anyways if there is any chance there may be rain... which is most days. I have a particular pair of booties in mind that I have been searching for and so far any pair that has come close is in suede. I am officially bitter towards suede. /end rant

With that said, I am kind of really excited that it's jeans and blazer weather again. You thought my obsession with that combo would die out over the summer didn't you? Wishful thinking my friends... wishful thinking.


  1. I think I would feel similarly about suede if I lived in as rainy a city as Vancouver. Fortunately we Ottawa folk can get away with a suede bootie now and then.

    In other news - I am in utter adoration of that blazer. So much so that I kind of hope that Ruche still has it so I can get one for myself. I may or may not be headed there to check now.

  2. Oof regular suede is bad enough, but while on vacation last year I lost my heart to a pair of black suede Prada booties. Not just any suede, Prada suede!

    So far I've only worn them 2 or 3 times. I have to check the weather forecast religiously. The last time I wore them was for the boy's company Christmas party. I wore flats to the party and just changed into them in the hotel lobby (although that's partly because it's kind of hard walking 6 blocks from the SkyTrain in 4" heels).

  3. i completely agree!! i end up promising myself that i'll wear my suede shoes on a sunny day, but when that sunny day finally comes...i have no plans, therefore a waste of on outfit.... lol ;)

  4. Love your blazer! Such a beautiful outfit!!
    Bella xo

  5. very nice look!love the blazer!

  6. I love this look. The colors are stunning on you. Very pretty! And your hair and makeup is flawless, this is a great fall outfit.


  7. Nice outfit! The bright blue color suits you very well.

    I definitely will have to get used to the rain here. I always thought the Netherlands were known for rainy weather, but apparently it's much worse here. So much for wearing nice (suede) shoes indeed!

    Collar Me Beautiful

  8. I've wondered this same thing!!! Love the cobalt blue jacket!

  9. Totally feel your pain, companies should ensure that they ALWAYS make leather copies of any suede shoes they offer. That blazer is amazing, and I love how the jeans sit above the booties!

  10. Hi Melissa,
    totally agree! All my suede shoes have sat miserably in my closet for the last few years and only see the light of day in late spring summer and then it's almost too hot to wear them. BUT i love the cobalt blue on you - it is absolutely fabulous!


  11. I am always nervous about wearing suede shoes, but they look so cute! I like the gold/purple/blue combo!

  12. ugh!! Just how to do you look so cute and perfect all the time. It's not fair. I Love that freaking scarf too. And do you own a pair of Hunters?? I got some Gilt.com and it doesn't ever rain or snow in Texas but a few times a year! hahahaa I always spend money where I shouldn't. But I'll make sure I wear them anyway!

  13. I know how you feel about the suede shoes!
    And I totally regret not buying the MadMen by BR lace top! It is darling on you!!

  14. Melissa I LOVE THIS OUTFIT!! Definitely one of my favorites of yours! Gah, so perfect. The blazer and the scarf are so gorgeous, love the colors, and the lace top adds just the right amount of texture! Lovelovelove!

  15. Oh I've been itching for some cobalt blue for fall...that blazer is fantastic.

    I know what you mean about suede. I get so irritated that salespeople here try to push suede on you saying that it just needs to be sprayed. My favourite boots are almost falling apart and I just can't find anything that I love nearly as much to replace them.

  16. ha, raincouver :) i haven't heard that one and i'm from vancouver. love the jeans & blazers. x

  17. I hear ya, why are there so many darn suede shoes for sale right now!!! Grrr!! And the search is officially on.
    I love this blazer, such a beautiful color, and the scarf is the perfect touch, you look lovely!
    So nice to see you last night, you are always so much fun :)
    xo Cara

  18. i hear you - I want a pair of suede ankle booties really badly but I probably won't spend too much on them b/c the rain will eventually ruin them anyways.

    but today's a gorgeous day so pull out all your suedes!

  19. I definitely had a good chuckle over this post. Damn you suede!! I still haven't found a pair of booties that I'm in love with and that aren't suede... I will continue the hunt. Keep me updated if you find a pair similar to Olivia's!

    P.S. So good to finally meet the other night. I think coffee or drinks is in order in the near future?

    Xo Chelle

  20. Oh my, love this blazer, especially the colour!


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