
Faux Fur

Wearing: H&M Vest, Aritzia Blouse, Zara pants. 

This faux fur vest is one of the pieces I bought from the H&M grand opening. I've always shy'd away from fur for some reason but I thought this vest was a great way to get comfortable with the idea. It's not as in your face as a fur coat.

I wore it to dinner with a friend of mine and while I was on my way to dinner I realized that I should stop and take photos. I pulled over to the side of the road, pulled out my tripod and crossed my fingers no one would see me. You'd think I'd be used to the eyes of judgmental people passing by but no, I still dread people staring and wondering who the self absorbed girl taking photos of herself is.

Luckily no one pulled over and I was left to take pictures in peace. Although, now that I think about it, I was standing in a ditch on the side of the road next to a car with my 4-way blinkers on and no one pulled over to help me? What if I had legitimately been in trouble? I'm sure this faux fur vest must have made it look like I was being attacked by some sort of small furry animal... like a Koala.

I can't believe no one stopped to save me from being attacked by a Koala in a ditch. People are so rude these days.


  1. HAHA I feel the same way about people staring and thinking I'm a weirdo. I try to keep telling myself as I'm doing it "who cares!" Well i do, but why should they?
    Love the vest :)
    Style in the City

  2. I am the hugest fan of faux fur; glad to see you experimenting with it :)

    xo, alison*elle

  3. LOL! I totally need a tripod for this reason. I admire your bravery for taking pictures on the side of the road!!! And I absolutely love your outfit. Totally diggin' the fur. <3

  4. Lol too cute! You just need to put up a little billboard stating 'fashion blogging in progress!'
    Great outfit!
    Bella xo

  5. Some people are just so inconsiderate when it comes to koala attacks!

  6. Haha I totally feel the same. Not about the koala attacks (haven't worn anything furry ever), but when it comes to taking pictures... Argh, I just feel really uncomfortable when I am standing there, getting pictures taken, and a bunch of people walk by and stare at me like I am some kind of freak. But I have to say, I am getting used to it and I believe people actually don't pay too much attention to it. It's just all in my head ;-)

    Fall Inspiration: "Out & About"

  7. ahh you always make me smile Melissa!!

    I am so glad you pulled over (and weren't mauled by an animal or bothered by anyone) because this outfit is gorgeous and you look so beautiful!! Great call on the vest, it looks fantastic with the deep burgendy top.

    Hope you are having a great trip, can't wait to hear all about it when you are back!!

    xo Cara

  8. hahaha How rude!They should have stopped to help.

    I love love love this outfit!! :D
    The faux Fur is working for you girl!

  9. I too still get nervous when snapping my own photos. When I team up with others such as Kate or Candice, I have a little bit of an easier time ignoring bystanders when we all understand how awkward it is! I really like this vest on you Melissa and your blouse is one of my favourite colours this fall. :)

  10. I love the fur vest! I saw it in your hands in the pic above and loved it!

  11. Totally the way to do it!!! These turned out so well, love the back drop too. That fur vest looks amaze on you, glad you purchased. It was a must have for sure!!! PS what is the koala population in Langley ;)?


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